3000mg HHC Tincture

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Does HHC Get You High? Yes. Here’s How It Feels

Jan 9, 2023 | 0 comments

There are hundreds of cannabinoids available. And each one produces its own unique effects and benefits that give users their own personal experience. One of the newest products on the market is hexahydrocannbinol – otherwise known as HHC.

If you’re new to HHC you may be wondering what it is, if it can get you high, and what the high might feel like.

Keep reading to find out:

When you take in a dose of HHC, a high similar to THC is produced, but with an overall relaxing feeling, like the high some users experience with Delta 8 THC. HHC is a perfect blend. Users of HHC usually experience a euphoric “high”.

Now, let’s start with some of the basics:

What is HHC?

HHC is short for Hydrohexahydrocannabinol. Each cannabinoid has a scientific name. HHC is the abbreviated version of this particular variety.

HHC is a legal, hemp-derived cannabinoid found in small quantities in the leaves and flowers of cannabis and hemp plants. With so many cannabinoids out there these days, it can be overwhelming to keep track. But all cannabinoids are really just 3 elements: carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. What makes each one unique is the way these chemical elements are assembled together. Slight variations in their chemical structure can dramatically alter the “tone” of the experience.

HHC is a hydrogen-fuelled cannabinoid. HHC contains two more hydrogen atoms than THC. Virtually everything else is identical between HHC and THC. These seemingly minor differences in chemical structure can have significant implications. These two extra hydrogen atoms that HHC possess makes it the most stable cannabinoid possible, giving it a substantially longer shelf-life than THC or Delta 8. A lot longer. It’s the perfect apocalypse ready cannabinoid.

In addition to its extended shelf life, HHC offers a few minor differences in effects and experience.

What are the Benefits of HHC?

Some of the early reported user benefits of HHC can include:

  • An energy-like euphoria
  • Enhanced mood
  • Enhanced senses
  • Eases nausea and vomiting
  • May increase appetite

Read more about the reported effects and potential benefits of HHC here.

How potent is HHC?

The strength or potency of a cannabinoid comes down to its ability to bind with the endocannabinoid receptors present throughout our body and brain. This is where the chemical structure of the cannabinoid comes into play.

We’re not going to go AP Chemistry on you, so here’s the most important rule of thumb: the more carbons in the chemical structure, the stronger the psychoactive effects. Any form of THC that has more than 3 carbons has psychoactive effects.

HHC has 5 carbon atoms and is slightly stronger than Delta 8, but not quite as powerful as Delta 9. It’s thought to be roughly 70-80% the strength of THC. If you’re looking for a cannabinoid with comparable effects to THC that’s likely legal in your state, HHC might be right for you. Research is in its infancy, but anecdotal and consumer reports show overwhelmingly positive outcomes from consuming HHC products.

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